Thursday, June 2, 2011

20 under 20 gets $100,000 each to dropout college

Peter Thiel via The Thiel Fondation announced the appointment of 24 Thiel Fellows in San Fransisco recently. “The Fellows” are referring to a tremendous group of young people who would change the world through their creativity in many fields including biotech, information technology, mobility and space. According to James O’Neill, the head of the Thiel Foundation, The Fellows’ creativity, intelligence and leadership were captivating.
Peter Thiel is a technology entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist who is also known as the co-founder of the world’s famous online money transfer, Paypal, as well as the early investor in Facebook.
The foundation’s 20 under 20 Fellowship application was opened late 2010 and received more than 400 applications from people younger than 20. It is reported that many applicants never went to school and many had a long personal history of entrepreneurship. The Fellowship was open to anyone between the ages of 14 and 20 and to apply, applicants are required to write and essay of max 1000 words or to record a 5-minutes video of given statement; “Tell us one thing about the world that you strongly believe is true, but that most people think is not true” and “How do you want to change the world?“.
The Fellows received $100,000 each over the period of 2 years to get their business up and running.
Among the selected fellows are Eden Full, 19-year-old Canadian founder of Roseicollis Technologies, a solar energy start-up with its product SunSaluter currently electrifying two villages of 1000 citizens in Kenya and Jeffrey Lim of MIT who wants to create technologies that will help people self-organize to solve social problems.
College isn’t for everybody, but education is. We bound to believe that everyone should go to college and get a degree, but we also know that degree are just licence to a better pay and positions. With $100,000 to kick-start, and continuous support by the Thiel foundation for young entrepreneurs, there’s no better way to venture their own business idea. College can always come later.


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