Wednesday, November 9, 2011


am 23 years old but with being so young, one thing i understand and know is women.i can blog a million words about a woman with putting fullstops and comas. Here is what i think a woman is;

1. a lady needs security- i dont mean the physical one but the security of knowing everything will be atleast ok. she needs someone to hold her hand in thick and thin. well if you are a man who doesn't fit here then prep yourself for a heartbreak.

2. a lady needs maturity- a woman loves attention and if her man is the same then alot of drama will be the order of the day. a lady needs a mature man who she can rely on for advice, help and fulfillment of emotional and physical needs.

3. a lady needs to feel like a queen all the time- i really don't need to explain this one but just know that the small things in life matter the most to her. helping out with the dishes, baby, relatives and helping her understand herself every minute of the day. eg. if you take her for dinner, then you get to watch her choose something exotic from the menu and watch her sample it. if she likes it then its a win for you.

4. a lady needs to be adored and appreciated- a woman can be compared to a lambo, you need to adore and appreciate her every day and thats where number 2 and 3 also come in.

5. a lady needs love- as a man you needs to make sure your woman gets love from the society, both sides of the family and your own family. love makes her happy and when she is happy everyone is happy.

6.a lady needs space and freedom- men have one for the road with the guys and so does a lady with her girlfriend. lets her enjoy her time alone sometimes. she gets to catch up with others and to also miss you.

7.a lady needs child- people may think this isn't important but it is. she needs to feel whole and not cursed. just like men need baby boys.

8.a lady needs GOD-with God, a lady gets to mould her and the family's identity.

9.a lady needs understanding- you have to be patient, caring and listen to her. they talk and quarell alot. hehehehe

10.a lady needs submission too- dear men, take time off from being the boss sometimes and let her be in charge. she gets to enjoy torturing and toying with you.


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