couldn't stand. In fact, we hardly ever saw him once he hooked up
with her, because any time we wanted him to hang out, she would
forbid him to come. She'd whine, give him ultimatums, and act
like a complete brat until he finally gave in.
In a span of a few months, he went from being a cool, fun guy to
being this pathetically whipped man who had to ask permission to
do anything in his life.
And for all the crap she put him through, she ended up dumping
him for someone else. Of course, I wasn't surprised when this
happened, because women have one common complaint about men...
...They don't like guys who they can treat like a doormat.
My buddy never realized that her childish actions were ALL tests.
And he always failed!
So sure, his girlfriend kicked and screamed whenever he wanted to
hang with the guys, but I bet she wouldn't have dumped him so
soon had he stood his ground.
What's the moral of this story?
The answer is simple. KNOW that women will always test you. No
matter how great you think a girl is, she'll test you at some
point in the relationship. Expect this behavior. And learn the
RIGHT way for dealing with them.
Don't act as though her tests are a life or death situation,
because they're not. When a woman tells you that she doesn't
like something it's important to figure out ONE of the following
two options:
1) It's a real, legitimate concern of hers (i.e. "I think you're
drinking too much and I'm worried about you")
2) It's a way to manipulate your life (i.e. "Why can't you cancel
your plans to hang out with me?")
Obviously when a woman has a REAL concern about something you do,
it's important to address this issue and listen to what she has
to say. On the other hand, if you feel she's trying to test you,
then it's important to NEVER cave-in to her childish antics.
I've found that when a woman tests me about something, I either
do it more often, or tell her that she's not allowed to whine
about it. That's closed!
Doing something like this lets her know that you're a challenge,
and believe it or not, she'll work harder to gain your approval.
This might be hard for some of you "nice guys" to grasp, but
consider this:
Most desirable women suffer from a "halo effect" that makes
people treat them better simply due to their looks. In fact,
they're so used to getting their way, that whenever somebody
challenges this habit, they tend to throw tantrums.
(Seriously I've seen many an "adult" woman throw a temper
tantrum that would put a five-year old to shame.)
Deep down, every woman wants a man who is in control of the
situation. Of course, she's not going to come out and say
that, but there's nothing sexier than a man in charge.
So instead of getting worked up over a woman's tests, learn
the RIGHT way to demonstrate your alpha-male status:
It's been said that "you only get one chance to make a good first
impression." With that in mind, never forget that the first
behavior you demonstrate will form her opinion of you.
If you give in, she'll basically view you as someone with no
backbone; if you stand up to the challenge, she'll see you for
the man you truly are.
So the question is..."Why do men fail tests?"
For starters, they don't recognize the tests.
Secondly, they're afraid to call the women on the tests. They
view a fight as the end of the world, but in reality, the worst
that could happen would be her leaving you. And if you think
about it, why would you want to be with such a drama queen after
all? I don't care HOW good looking this girl is, it's NOT worth
the misery that she'll bring into your life.
I cannot stress this enough: Don't doing anything puts you in an
inferior position!
Women don't respect men who are easily controlled. Instead,
combat her tests with humor to take the sting off of your
defiance. And whatever you do, don't react emotionally.
From the moment you meet a girl, she's going to challenge you.
Most of the time, you won't be able to walk up to a woman, say a
few lines, and expect her to go crazy with desire over you. If
you want to maintain that sexual attraction, then expect that
she's going to test you.
Testing is done by women as a way to weed out the winners from
the losers. Early on, a lot of women developed this skill because
they didn't have time to figure out if a guy was worth talking
When women test you, there are two results: You'll either pass,
OR you'll fail; it's really that simple. If you fail, then you're
chances of attracting her will probably drop to zero.
Now you shouldn't be mad that women will test you. It's the
natural order of things. Consider it like any other challenge.
The important thing to remember is to not take these tests too
seriously. If you show a lot of emotions or anger, then you've
already lost.
Furthermore, take the mindset that tests are good. When a woman
tests a guy, it indicates that she has some interest in you.
In a subconscious way, her tests are done to see if you're like
the other low-status guys who are boring and predictable. And if
she is really interested in you, then you'll probably receive a
lot of challenges.
So KNOW when she's testing you and have a plan of action for
what you'll do when they happen!
Finally, you should a simple system for FOREVER changing how
look at you.
Don't believe? Then DON'T click this link:
Keep on Rocking and Rolling,
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