Monday, February 21, 2011

How to Seduce a Woman Using 'Deflection Theory'

How to Seduce a Woman Using 'Deflection Theory'

By: Tiffany Taylor
Author of "Guy Gets Girl"

There's something that often happens when you're out playing the
'seduction game' - that is, when you're actively looking out for
girls you think you'd like to hook-up with.

Many men have experienced it, and many thousands of men still do
experience it when they themselves are out playing the game.

It usually goes something like this: you're in a group, talking
to a couple of girls. You're with a friend or two, perhaps
having drinks in a bar or at a party. You've got your eye on one
girl in the group in particular and want to make something
happen, make a bit of a connection.

Thing is, she's proving the hardest to connect to - sure, she
smiles and talks to you nicely and politely, but she's not
returning your flirtatious gestures and comments much, if at
all. It's like she's playing hard to get or something, whereas
her female friends seem to be much more playful and flirty.

This doesn't happen because you aren't her type or just because
sometimes these things happen (or don't) - there's a different,
special reason the girl you're interested in doesn't appear to
be interested in you and it's got a lot to do with psychology
and social standing.

You see, when you show you're interested in a good-looking girl
who's with her friends, you inadvertently bump up her ego and
feeling of self-worth.

She knows you've chosen and are most interested in her and likes
this feeling of elevated importance. However, she also knows
that if she reacts by becoming really flirty and obviously
attracted to YOU, she'll lose the higher social value she has
over her friends (probably the reason you targeted her in the
first place), so she therefore maintains her unattainable, "I'm
a bit too good for you" status.

(This is a pretty heavy-duty concept I explain here):


However, you can blow this problem out of the water by using

You turn the situation on its head and reverse the psychology of
your target female by deflecting your attention AWAY from her
and ONTO one or more of her friends. When you show her friends
(who have lower social value/worth than your target female) more
attention and affection, you challenge her ego.

So, in an effort to regain her superiority in the hierarchy of
her circle of friends, the girl you're really interested in will
subconsciously invest much MORE interest in you by flirting and
being playful.

As so many women do, she gives into wanting what she feels she
cannot have - and, of course, you'll be happy to have her. She
is, after all, the hottest of the group and the one you wanted
in the first place.

Here's how to deflect your attention onto one of her friends
to make her (the girl you want) feel as if her ego has been
challenged and thus make her feel an instant and undeniable
desire to get your attention and "win" you back.

1. Use strong eye contact when talking to all of the girls.

However, when you're talking to your target female, occasionally
glance away and towards one of the other girls (who will
probably be talking amongst themselves or to your friend/friends
if you're with any) and give a slight smile before looking
back at your target.

This jackhammers a sense of competition into the subconscious
mind of the girl you're really interested in and immediately
makes her want to fight for your attention.

2. Casually make physical contact with her friends more than
her. For example, touch them on the side of their arm to get
their attention or when laughing and joking.

3. When sitting down or standing around talking as a group, face
slightly more (as in, the direction of your body/torso) in the
direction of one of her friends more than her.

Using deflection theory to challenge a girl you're interested
in's ego and therefore make her want you more is just one
psychological technique you can use to boost your pick-up game.

Combine it with others and you maximize your success with the
opposite sex in ways most men have and never will experience.

You can be the guy that gets the girl!

Want more information from Tiffany Taylor about how to attract
and seduce women with the GuyGetsGirl system?

Go here:



I think Tiffany's "Deflection Theory" is one of thebest ways to
ramp up a girl's attraction for you. The next time you're out
and NOT getting a positive feedback from a girl with high-status,
try using this technique to ramp up her interest in you.

Finally, if you want to learn more about instant seduction
techniques, I highly recommend you take a look at Tiffany's


Keep on Rocking and Rolling,

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