Friday, July 15, 2011

5 Boyfriend Annihilator Tactics You Must Know (*CONTROVERSIAL* Content)

[1: LEAD ARTICLE] 5 Boyfriend Annihilator Tactics You
Must Know
By Benjamin Damien, The "Boyfriend Destroyer Guru" (Click Here)

Say, you meet a girl and she's wonderful. In fact, you think that this IS
the special woman that you've been waiting all your life.

Then, she utters that dreaded line...

"I have a boyfriend."

I'm sure that you have encountered this scenario, and you wondered
how you could get this woman to ditch who she calls as her "boyfriend"
and come into your arms. But how are you gonna do it?

Don't worry, we've got your back! In this issue of TRL, I'm going
to share with you exactly how to make a woman who is already
attached to leave her boyfriend for you. We have previously covered
some Boyfriend Destroyer techniques, but in this issue, we'll talk
about the 5 definitive "Boyfriend Annihilator Tactics" that would
turbo-charge your seduction powers in no time:

Ben's Top 5 Boyfriend Annihilator Tactics

#1: The "Your BF Is Awesome" Tactic. Here's a sneaky way to
make a woman feel that her boyfriend is sorely inadequate. Talk about
how AWESOME her boyfriend is, and then exaggerate it until it sounds
virtually impossible to happen. This would make her subconsciously
think if what you say is true... and most of the time it would fall SHORT
of her expectations.

For example, say. "You two look like you'll grow old together, and
have a bunch of great kids!
" If he's the kind of guy who happens to
be reluctant of settling down, then she would question his long-term
commitment to her in her mind. Yes, it's darn sneaky.

To make this work, you MUST sing praises of her boyfriend. Avoid the
mistake of trying to bash her boyfriend. This would make her feel
defensive, and she would get the urge to speak in SUPPORT of
him. Another bad mistake is to try to CONVINCE her that you're the
better deal. It never works, and it makes you look like a desperate
loser. Use reverse psychology... see the next tactic below.

#2: The "Reverse Psychology" Tactic. Tell her that you would make
a horrible boyfriend if you two would ever hook up. Tell her that she
would never want to have someone like you as a boyfriend. This is one
variation of the "Disqualifier" tactic... which I am going to share with you

#3: The "Disqualifier" Tactic.
Constantly tell her that things won't
work out between both of you. Keep making excuses... and make them
"weak" on purpose. The purpose of disqualifying yourself is to make
yourself unpredictable... and make her keep trying to figure you out.
This way you'll be able to keep her feeling intrigued and interested to
find out what you really think about her.

Some sample disqualifier lines -

- "It's a shame that we can relate to each other so well... because
I've decided NOT to get a girlfriend for at least a year."

- "You remind me of my first crush... we were so passionate, but it
was just so... wrong."

- "We'd be horrible together. We'd just spend days and nights in
bed, and we won't do anything productive."

#4: The "Future Projection" Tactic. Future Projections are stories
(which are perhaps somewhat unrealistic) involving you and her which
takes place in the future. This works well in seduction (especially in the
case of boyfriend destroying) because it shows a woman that you live
in a reality so strong that she wouldn't be able to resist you.

It's difficult to fully describe this tactic so we'll get into the details in
the next few issues of TRL. Meanwhile, understand that it would be
easier to pull this trick off if you use Derek's Dark Rake Method. What you'd
need to do is to describe a future situation (e.g. "Imagine we are far
away in a deserted island...") and then ENHANCE the experience
using the Strawberry Fields Forever inside the 2nd manual of the
Dark Rake Method.

#5: The "Value Elicitation" Tactic. Ask her to imagine and describe
her IDEAL boyfriend... and do it as vividly as possible. When she does
this, she would be subconsciously comparing what she imagines as ideal
with her actual boyfriend. want to plant ideas in her
mind that her boyfriend falls short of what she wants... and she deserves

With these 5 techniques, you will come off as the "better deal" when
compared to her boyfriend. If you combine these with the legendary
Boyfriend Destroyer Routines, girlfriend snatching would indeed become
laughably easy to you.

Check out the full Boyfriend Destroyer system here -

[2 - READER Q&A] "Email Seduction - How To Make It Work?"

Note: If you'd like to send us a question, be sure to indicate your
first name (or a pseudonym if you wish) and where you come from.

Hey Derek,

I really like the email seduction technique which you sent (TRL #121 -
July 18th, 2010 issue).

I didn't realize that I was making the mistake as I tried to apply the
Dark Rake Method (particularly the Yin & Yang routine in the Manual 2).
I know I need to make my emails short... but I'm having problems making
them work for me. Any tips on how to seduce a woman over email?

- Ruck, Florida

Derek says:

Hey Ruck, here's the deal. I always exclusively use text over email at the
START, but if you prefer using email then follow this tips:

1. TAKE IT SLOW. Women hate to be rushed into things... and that's
really unlike us guys who could get aroused by the flick of a switch.
When you email her, don't reveal everything, and always end your email
with a "cliffhanger" ending. Which would then prompt her to email you
back to find out more...

2. DESCRIBE THINGS VIVIDLY. If you're going to ask her out,
then describe the date... as detailed as possible. Tell her about the
place... the atmosphere, the sights and smells. Ask her what she'll be detail. When you do this, you'll do a mini "Future
Projection" attraction technique on her (see the previous article) - and
trigger deep level attraction in her.
These two little tricks should get you going, but if you want the whole
enchilada on using emailing (or messaging on Facebook) to attract women,
then download the Online Dating Playbook. It's required reading for all
my clients - in this day and age there's no way any guy can avoid having to
interact with women online. Fact.
[3: SPECIAL FEATURE] "How To Seduce Asian Women - In 3
Easy Steps"

I've noticed that of late,
a huge number of guys are writing in to TRL,
sharing 'problems' they were having when it comes to dating & getting
Asian women.

And I don't blame them.

It *is* a REAL problem at this day and age because it's true...

Asian women are tremendously difficult to understand. The way they view
dating, love, marriage, and romantic relationships are completely different
than that of Western cultures.

Knowing little, knowing close to nothing about their culture, their language,
their roots, it's really no surprise most men get knocked out... BAD.

If you want specific techniques and strategies for you to get yourself that
enchanting, slender & LOVING Asian girl you've always wanted, then
read on...

Step #1: Know The Gatekeepers.

It's very important for you to start building "gate keeper" relationships.
This means making AAF's (Asian Female Friends) who will then give
you access to more Asian women. You probably won't be having sex
with any of these AAFs. Their function will be to introduce you to their
cute friends and get you into their social circles.

When Asian women go out, they tend to hang together in groups, and
it can be extremely hard to "penetrate" the group and introduce yourself
when you don't know any of them. The best possible way to meet a
beautiful Asian girl is to be introduced to her by one of her friends who
knows you (and "vouches" for you as a good guy).

Step #2: Read The Signals.

When I was in graduate school, I had cute classmates from Japan, China,
Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand come to my crappy little on-campus
apartment to study with me.

I thought they just wanted to study; I didn't want to creep them out by
trying something sexual. But now I realize that they were totally up for
sex. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been hanging out at my apartment
until midnight. It was an unusually aggressive move for an Asian woman
to invite herself to my place to "study" at night.

But I didn't read the signal-- so we would study, and she would go home.
If only I'd read the signals and "escalated" with these girls (read the
"Secrets Of Dating Asian Women" book for more information on this

Follow up on all hints of interest in a polite and focused manner. If she
says "you should come see my house sometime," don't just say "yeah,
OK, let me know when you want me to come by." Tell her you can
come by on Saturday or Sunday, and ask her which is better for her.
Make a plan. Don't blow your chance.

Step #3: Love them and they will love you back with great

If an Asian woman is extremely beautiful by the standards of her
society, then of course guys are going to kiss her ass and treat her
like a princess. But that's only 1% or 2% of Asian women. The rest
are often severely lacking in self-confidence. If she's past her mid-
twenties and still single, she may be afraid that she'll never find a man.
Where she comes from, women are held to an extremely high standard.

The point is, by loving the Asian woman that you are with at the
moment and giving her your complete attention, you will make her feel
extremely special. This means keep your cell phone turned off, hold
her hand in a proud way when you walk with her, pay for everything,
be polite and respectful, and tell her the little things about her that you
find cute or sexy. (Her laugh, her smile, her hair, the way she walks, etc.)

If you're reading this right now and you would like to learn more 'secrets'
on how to get an Asian woman to come home with you AND come inside
with you after a date, how to get her "turned on", and how to smoothly
take things to a "physical level" in a way that she'll enjoy, then you should
check this out:

... because inside, you'll uncover *hundreds* more ideas on how to do so.
You can download it right now, and be reading it in a few minutes... Just
go here -

How to Seduce Asian Woman


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