Saturday, March 5, 2011

Easy, 6-Step System To Turn A Friend Into A Girlfriend

"How To Turn A Friend To Your
Girlfriend - An Easy Six-Step System"

Step #1. Limit your availability. I'm willing to bet that whenever
this girl does call you, you eagerly answer the phone and chat with
her for as long as she wants.

You THINK that when you spend two hours on the phone with her,
sharing your life stories and telling her about the girl who broke
your heart when you were in the tenth grade, you're building some
kind of deep "connection" with her.

But what you're actually doing is removing ANY sense of mystery
about yourself, and letting her know that you have nothing else
going in your life... and no other women. This is massively
UN-attractive to her.

(I know that when you're a man who is struggling with his dating
life, and haven't hooked up with a chick in a while, this takes a
LOT of discipline. Your instinct is to make yourself totally
available to her and try to spend as much time as possible with
her. Well, go ahead and keep doing it this way, if you want to keep
wondering why women keep placing you in the friend zone...)

Step #2. Limit your phone chats. Until you've slept with a
woman, limit your phone chats with her to five minutes. And don't
get caught up in constant text-messaging. Give her the sense that
you're a busy man with places to be.

Use these short phone calls, or text exchanges, to lock down your
plans to see her again. Save the deep conversations for when you
are actually spending time with her.

Step #3. Get used to her temperament. Women are moody and
emotional. Get used to it, and know how to deal with it. When she
start acting weird or distant, she is testing you. She wants to see
how you will respond. Do you kiss her ass and ask her 'what's
wrong?' Do you get frustrated and angered by her behavior? (Either
of these responses will only make her get more moody!)

Or, do you behave like a firm, direct MAN? (Tell her, 'Well, I can
tell you've got some things on your mind right now, so why don't
you take some time to sort it out and get back to me. I've got
some things I need to handle right now.')

Sidenote: Download and watch these videos for more techniques on
how to get a woman to CHANGE HER MIND and see you as a
SEXUAL BEING and not 'just a friend'):
"Turn Friend Into Lover" Video Set

Step #4. Consider her ex-boyfriend irrelevant. Women commonly
use the excuse, 'I got out of a bad relationship recently, I don't know
if I'm ready for someone new, I don't want to get hurt again,' etc. It's
all crap, basically. The truth is, if she met a confident, attractive man
RIGHT NOW who made her feel a sexual connection, she'd forget
about her ex-boyfriend in about 2.3 seconds.

When she talks about her ex, and how she's 'not ready,' what she
really means is that you're not making her feel attraction, and so she's
testing you to see what kind of man you are.

So here's what you need to do. You need to put her in a positive,
fun state of mind and keep her there. When she thinks of you, she
should think of fun times and feeling good about herself.

The last thing you want to do is allow her to dwell on her ex-boyfriend
and be her 'shoulder to cry on.' If she ever mentions him, change the
subject immediately.

And never refer to him by name because it only aggravates her
emotional state.
(Instead, refer to him as 'that guy.' Make him seem
irrelevant and insignificant.)

HER: I guess I'm just in a bad mood today because it would have
been my third anniversary with my ex, John...

YOU: Well it sounds like that guy didn't appreciate you the way he
should have, and it's his loss. I'm just glad we're getting to know
each other, because I can tell there's a lot more to you than meets
the eye. So tell me more about ________

(Change the subject onto something that gets her in a positive,
talkative mood).

Step #5. Never confess your attraction to her. Women interpret
this as a sign of weakness. You've been taught by the media that woman
want a soft, sensitive guy who isn't afraid to confess his feelings. Actually,
the opposite is true. She needs to know you are a strong, emotionally
secure and confident MAN.

Once you've got a sexual relationship going with her, and she's bonded
to you, feel free to be a sweet, loving boyfriend and do all of the romantic
things that drive her wild. But until then, you've got to play it cool.

Step #6. Finally, be willing to 'man up' and walk away.
If for
whatever reason she just can't sort out her feelings, cut her loose. Trust
me, if you were involved with two or three OTHER women right now,
you wouldn't have the time or the interest to play games with some chick
who can't make up her mind.

When you have multiple options, you will ALWAYS feel confident and
in control.

Don't make the mistake that most guys make, and place 'all of your
eggs in one basket
.' This is also one of the biggest mistakes guys
make when they want to turn a friend into something more. They focus
too much on that one girl.

Once a woman has mentally placed you in 'The Friend Zone,' it's
difficult to change her feelings towards you. Ideally, you never
want to her to view you as her platonic, non-sexual 'buddy' in the
first place. This is why when you do meet up with women for a date,
you've got to take things in a sexual direction.

This doesn't mean you have to sleep with women on the first date. But
you MUST establish some physical contact and make her feel that
you're a sexual possibility for her.

That's the difference between guys who always suffer in the 'Friend
Zone,' and guys who GET IT DONE.

Now go get her!

[Ed's note: If you're constantly pulling your hair out trying to figure out
how to get that ONE SPECIAL GIRL you've always fantasized about
(but she ONLY treats you as a friend/brother and NOTHING else),
watch these videos to learn how to CHANGE HER MIND and turn
the tables immediately.]

[2] Mr X's Corner: "A Simple Way To Beat The Other Guy
(And Make Him Feel Like CRAP)"
by Mr X, creator of 15Tactics of Brute-Strength Seduction Power -

Hey, X here. Today I'm gonna share with you a tactic which you can
use to "out-alpha" another guy who is after a woman you like.

You know it's pretty common that when you have your eyes on a
woman, she's already with another guy. So what do you do then?
Simple... just follow these steps.
Step #1: Approach. Look her in the eye, say hi and smile. At this
point, ignore the other guy. If he tries to interrupt, break eye contact
with him and continue talking to the woman instead. (You gotta do
this in a way that  it doesn't look too obvious that you're ignoring
him). Do this for the next 2 minutes.

Step #2: Shift your attention to the guy. Now stop talking to her,
and make eye contact with the guy. Introduce yourself to him, and
then make a "light" comment on his appearance. His cheesy Hawaii
shirt, his Flock of Seagulls hair, cheap strawhat, anything. Just say,
"Nice hair / shirt / hat". And then immediately shift back your
attention to the girl.

Step #3: Continue talking to the girl, ignoring the guy (again).
If you pull this off correctly, the other guy will feel totally inferior,
while the girl would not notice it a bit (talk about being covert!). If
this chap is the insecure kind, you've just dug him a hole to bury
himself in.

OK... this trick could be pretty nasty and the other guy would feel
like sh*t, but hey, all's fair in love and war. If you like this one then
you'll love 15 of similar tricks in my 15Tactics course. You'll
NEVER want to be on the receiving end of these tactics... trust me.

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